Herbalife人気ランキング② プロテインバー



Protein Bars (Vanilla Almond/Citrus Lemon)


*英国のショップではChocolate Peanut味もあります。







Take one or two bottles per day. You can enjoy two flavors: vanilla almond flavor with chocolate flavor and citrus lemon flavor with refreshing lemon flavor.

・A healthy snack that provides 10 grams of protein.

・People who are on a diet, lead active lifestyles, or want to balance their nutritional needs.

・Make your usual tea time healthier.


美しい肌を保つには(How to maintain beautiful skin)


When your skin is beautiful and healthy, you look younger and feel more confident in yourself. High quality nutrition will help you stay energetic and active, giving you the ideal lifestyle.


肌トラブルはストレス、紫外線、加齢、不健康な食生活や生活習慣などが原因となります。年齢とともに肌にシワやたるみが目立つようになってくるのは、肌の保湿や弾力が低下することによって引き起こされます。そのため加齢とともに アンチエイジング対策をする必要があります。

Skin problems can be caused by stress, UV rays, aging, unhealthy diet and lifestyle. As we age, wrinkles and sagging skin become more noticeable, which is caused by a decrease in the skin’s moisture retention and elasticity. Therefore, it is necessary to take anti-aging measures as one ages.



Skin elasticity and firmness are related to moisture content and elasticity. It is essential to take collagen (protein), which is involved in skin elasticity, as well as external care to prevent skin from drying out. Keep your skin beautiful by consuming good quality protein.








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